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2018's Rules • Hack quest lasts 7 days, from 20:00 October 21 to 19:59 October 28 (each task starts at 8 PM Moscow Time (UTC+3, ); • One task a day. Task duration: 24 hours; • 7 tasks in total; • The first person to solve the task gets an invite; • The second and third participants to solve the task will also earn points. The second one gets 0.5 point, the third—0.25. 1 point will get you 1 invitation, but not more than one per one competitor; • To prevent cheating, you may be asked to describe the steps you performed to solve the task; • It's prohibited to share hints and flags with other participants; • Do not register more than one account per a participant; • Current date and time: 2019-03-10 23:18:39 Good luck and have fun!

What is Zombie Torrent 2? The product of several years' worth of work, Zombie Torrent 2 is a cooperative invasion mod for Doom and Doom II. Inspired by the likes of Killing Floor, ZT2 uses a wave-based gamemode with a between-wave trader time. Each game lasts 10 waves, the last ending in a showdown with a final boss. When the boss is defeated, the next level is played.

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Several KF-esque additions are also added to the mod, such as selectable voicepacks and an optional slot machine system. Available Maps: Only a handful of 'official' ZT2 maps exist, but more will be added as time goes on. Feel free to make your own as well. [fieldset] MAP01: The Octagoth (By Zedek the Plague Doctor) MAP02: VR Revision (By Zedek the Plague Doctor) MAP03: The Cemetery (By Zedek the Plague Doctor) MAP04: Necrophilic Funhouse (By Zedek the Plague Doctor) MAP05: Toy Block Tower (By Zedek the Plague Doctor)[/fieldset] What can I expect? Abbuw wrote:zt2 is a kickass mod about shooting zombies with guns until they die and sometimes flamethrowers and rocket launchers Mod Team: • Zedek the Plague Doctor: Mod founder, site creator, AKA everything Cattle666: Valhalla Game Plays host, mod tester LadySlash: Mod tester OrdinaryFarcide: Music selection, mod tester abbuw: Mod co-founder, mapper Credits: I added too much junk to credit properly, post your name and shout out if you went uncredited. Bloax, abbuw, Marty Kirra, CaptJ3,, id Software, Tripwire Interactive, Untrustable, TheFunktasm, and a whole bunch of unnamed people! If you want to drop in for a game, Valhalla Game Plays has a dedicated server specially-designed for ZT2.